EVO 4 – BGA + 204/207
€ 3,499.00
The EVO 4 BGA + 204/207 Kit offers great flexibility and possibilities for its users.
SKU: MBEK00002Category: MBE ToolsTags: BGA, MBE Engineering, Mercedes-Benz, Programmer, W204, W207
Weight:6 kg
This kit contains the newest generation of software in key programming for Mercedes Benz but it also allows work on ELV (Electronic Steering Locks) and other components in Mercedes Benz vehicles (virginizing of gearboxes, ECUs etc.). This kit was designed for more advanced users that are able to work on EEPROMs and solder. It not only allows work on new BGA keys but also with older generations of Mercedes Benz vehicles.
The most important added feature is a function that easily allows password reading and key programming in vehicles with BGA keys:
The add key (at least one existing key), list below covers only BGA equipped vehicles
- W164 2009 +
- W166,
- W197
- W212
- W218
- W246
- W169
- W209
- W211
- W172
- W204
- C207
- W216
- W221
- W639 2009+
All key lost, list below covers only BGA equipped vehicles
- W204
- C207
- W166
- W197
- W212
- W218
- W246
All calculations for BGA keys are done on-line and an internet connection is required; the software is pay-per-use. The kit includes 20 credits (20 password calculations).
package content:
MB Keyprog 2 EVO main adapterIR Key Tools W204/W207MB Magic Eraser + connection cable204/207 adapter204/207 Click ‘n GoPCB adapter: DB9 main + 3 NEC PCBUSB cableUSB security dongleDATA flash memory cardMB main OBD cable + OBD female powerNEC IC SocketEEPROM ProgrammerMB Testing keyEIS/ESL Testing toolMB Testing keyMBprog HC05/08/12 programmer3 adapters: MC68HC05x32, MC68HC05E6, db9 female/femalE
BGA software204/207 softwareSonderhash accountNEC Prog v. 12IR Tools basic softwareIR Tools EZS password readerESL/ELV Evo ProgEEPROM programmerMultiprog20 credits